Welcome to the offical pages of


village Podesin.

Information about our village.

Village Podesin.
We would like to introduce you village Poděšín. Its population  is 251. It is situated in the middle of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands in the Žďár nad Sázavou district, in the Jihlava region, on the half way between Žďár and Jihlava, Czech republic, Europe. The following pages offer you some the most interesting facts about this place.

Letecký snímek Poděšína 6/1998



Would you like  write e-mail us or just to send us a greeting or a remark ?

Visitor's book

Reading of the visitor's book
Addition of a massage in the visitor's book

Our e-mail address is:                        Interresting links about Poděšín:

podesin@podesin.cz                                        Regionservis

podesin@iol.cz                                                 NašeMorava

Telephone number of the local office:               StátníSpráva

00420-566 675 150                                          Města a Obce

                         Visitor Statistics

Seznam                Atlas                        Photo                     Vysočina GIS
Mapa - Seznam   Topografická mapa - Atlas.Topografická mapa - Atlas.   Kolmý letecký pohled, obrázek 4. zvětšený obsahuje legendu.   Nutno zaškrtnout "Ortofoto BW" v "Podklad. mapy"

Counter of visitors on our site: from 14th March 1999

Update:    29.04.2005

These  pages were introduced to the internet  on 14th March 1999 as the fisrt internet pages of a village in the Žďár nad Sázavou district

Translate Jana Lestinova, Jaroslav Docekal

©1999-2005 WEBMASTER Jaroslav Dočekalhttp://docekal.cz/docekal@waa.cz